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Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (Variant)

Choose either A or B by cklicking on your choice •• Be careful. This is tricky!

1 AThere are times when I let others take responsibility for solving the problem.
BRather than negotiate the things on which we disagree, I try to stress those things upon which we both agree.
2AI try to find a compromise solution.
BI attempt to deal with all of his/her and my concerns.
3AI am usually firm in pursuing my goals
BI might try to soothe the other's feeling and preserve our relationship.
4AI try to find a compromise solution.
BI sometimes sacrifice my own wishes for the wishes of others.
5AI consistently seek the other's help in working out a solution.
BI try to do what is necessary to avoid useless tensions.
6AI try to avoid creating unpleasantness for myself.
BI try to win my position.
7AI try to postpone the issue until I have had time to think it over.
BI give up some points in exchange for others.
8AI am usually firm in pursuing my goals.
BI attempt to get all concerns and issues out in the open.
9 AI feel that differences are not always worth worrying about.
BI make some effort to get my way.
10A I am firm in pursuing my goals.
BI try to find a compromise solution.
11AI attempt to get all concerns and issues out in the open.
BI might try to sooth the other's feelings to preserve our relationship
12AI sometimes avoid taking positions which would create controversy.
BI will let the other person have some of his/her positions if s/he lets me have some of mine.
13AI propose a middle ground.
BI press to get my points made.
14AI tell the other person my ideas and ask for his/hers.
BI try to show others the logical benefits of my position.
15AI might try to sooth the other's feelings to preserve our relationship.
BI try to do what is necessary to avoid tensions.
16AI try not to hurt the other's feelings.
BI try to convince others of the merits of my position.
17AI try not to hurt the other's feelings.
B I always share the problem with the other person so that we can work it out.
18AIf it makes other people happy, I might let them maintain their views.
BI will let other people have some of their positions if they will let me have some of mine.
19AI attempt to get all concerns quickly out in the open.
BI try to postpone the issue until I've thought about it.
20AI attempt to immediately work through our differences.
BI try to find a fair combination of gains and losses for each of us.

Item Number Competing
(Problem solving)