Modern Issues
Today, the Hopi continue to live on the same mesas as they did when the Europeans arrived. In many ways, their lives are similar to those of their ancestors— there continues to be an emphasis on farming, kachina ceremonies, and an ideology that focuses on community and cooperation. The Hopi people continue to make pottery and baskets, as did their ancestors, though today these are made largely for the tourist market.
However, they also face several issues not faced by their ancestors. Strip mining by the Peabody Coal Company has caused the water table to drop substantially, a consequence which threatens farming on the mesas. Currently, this issue is again in the news as the Peabody Coal Company is proposing to renew its operations.
The Navajo Generating Station, which provides electrical power to customers in Arizona, Nevada, and California, relies on coal obtained from Black Mesa for its fuel source Source - Shutterstock Image ID: 243713995 |
Additionally, the Hopi have been involved in an ongoing land dispute with the Navajo (watch the video below)
The Hopi reservation is completely surrounded by the much larger Navajo reservation.
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