
The Yaqui have a complex culture that reflects the amalgamation of indigenous and Catholic traditions. Their kinship is reckoned bilaterally, but there are no post-marital residence patterns. Today, an important component of the kinship system is the concept of campadrazgo. Compadrazgo are fictive kin or godparents that play important ritual roles in a child's life. An individual might have a dozen or more pairs of godparents, each of which is obligated to help sponsor specific ceremonies in the child's life. The compadrazgo system is believed to represent a melding of the pre-European practice of ritual sponsorships and the Catholic tradition of the godparent system.

 Picture shows In Yaqui culture, compadrazgo help sponsor religious and other ceremonies for their godchildren

In Yaqui culture, compadrazgo help sponsor religious and other ceremonies for their godchildren

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